Our Story

How did this all begin? Well the podcast came first and that’s kind of a funny story. After all joining the same F1 Girlies WhatsApp community, we soon met and realised we enjoyed discussing and debating Formula One together. We each have strong opinions and love a good chat about Formula One. Each capable of ranting for hours on end if no one stops us. 

But how did we decide to do a podcast? It all began with an idea. Wait! No it didn’t, it began with a classic Chessie rant about a recent interview a certain driver had done where he came off looking rather out of touch. 

Sick of seeing drivers constantly giving answers that would make any media manager cry into their pillow at night, Chessie began breaking down what he should have said or what she would have done if she were the media manager. Her rant spanned several voice notes and texts – with a little added wit for good measure, and prompted a few members of the group to suggest she start a podcast. This was something Chessie had wanted to do for a while, but never had the courage to do alone, as she knew it needed more than just her voice – so she roped Emily, and Sarah into being speakers with her. 

After talking it was clear we all had wanted to do the same, and it seemed almost serendipitous. Each brings something different – whether it is the engineering and technical know-how of Sarah, the newer to F1 voice and general awesomeness of Emily, or the Politics and Law degrees and nerdy nature of Chessie – together we knew it could be something far greater than just one of us ranting on our own. 

It is not just the speakers though, our team would not be complete or nearly as organised or productive without our social media magician – Katelyn, or our regular Blog Contributor – Rebecca.